During a two day doll workshop at Piecemakers, a couple of students and I got to hang out with Janet Schultz ~ Primitive Cloth Doll Creator.
The class was called "Whimsical Little Fairies" ~ Pattern by Back Porch Pickins.
A wonderful opportunity to received one on one attention from our instructor, due to a smaller class size, and of course ~ tons of fun around the sewing table.
1st day assignment is to READ THE ENTIRE PATTERN, then cut out pattern, glue onto card stock, trace patten onto fabric, sew fabric and cut the pieces out.
T-h-e-n ~ that really, really fun part .......STUFFING.
You got it, stuff the pattern pieces ~ body, head, arms, and legs ~
It's hard to believe that this exercise, has the ability to really take a whole day, yes 8 hrs. You should try it and see if you can cut the time down and let me know.
During the first day our instructor, Janet Schult was working on a halloween primitive doll.
Here are some pictures ....
Fellow student Jourdan Fossier & Instructor Janet Schultz ~
Janet Schultz and Andrea Harris-Jacobs ~
Rounded down the 1st day with "stuffing" homework ~ our favorite pass time.
The 2nd day of class was so much fun. Stuffing was done and we were on our way to picking out fabrics for the dolls ~ Yum ~Always fun.
My themed doll "Valentine's Day" lots of red and such.....
Throughout the day, we had lots of customers
who peeked into the class ~ to see what we were doing.
Lots of ladies to chat with, share sewing tips and upcoming classes at the shop.
As our 2nd day was rounding the afternoon hour, and all of us were chatting up a storm ~
In the middle of our focus sewing and topic discussions ..... ~
"elinor peace bailey" comes walking into the class room ~ In the doll world "elinor" is a huge deal ~
Here's how "Bernina Inspirations Spotlight Interview" ~ describes elinor ...
"A walking advertisement for fun" is how someone once described elinor peace bailey.
With her bright clothing, outgoing nature, and lively sense of humor, it is obvious that elinor is not your "typical" sewing teacher.
A globe trotting teacher of dollmaking who designs fabric and exercises her talent as a graphic artist on any stray surface she can find, elinor travels about 200 days a year, teaching and sharing her unique designs for dolls, toys, and other stuffed creations.
While her background as a painter adds an extra element to her sewing and designing, it's her sense of humor that makes her classes the most fun for her students.
Her love for the people she teaches sifts through her dolls, giving them each a bit of comedic relief, making them excellent examples of her trade".
Janet Schultz and elinor have know each other "back in the day" when both were living in Ohio ~
and were in a doll club together.
elinor sat down with us for a short while and asked us what we were doing, what patten we were working on, and taking shop on the sewing machines.
Her machine of choice is Bernina ~ that's right ~ hot stuff ~ I have a Bernina 830 ~
And here we are ~
"FANTASTIC" ~ sums up this two day workshop.
"We can cure physical diseases
with medicine
but the only cure for loneliness,
despair and hopelessness is love.
There are many in the world
who are dying
for a piece of bread
but there are many more dying
for a little love"
Mother Teresa (1910 ~ 1997
Much Love ~ Andrea